Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kodigahakanda Biodiversity Conservation Project Stage-3/ කොඩිගහකන්ද ජෛවවිවිධත්ව සංරක්ෂණ ව්‍යාපෘතිය අදියර -3

Kodigahakanda Biodiversity Conservation Project Phase-3
කොඩිගහකන්ද ජෛවවිවිධත්ව සංරක්ෂණ ව්‍යාපෘතිය අදියර -3 

We are happy to inform you that the Mihithala Mithuro (Earth Friends) Environment Development Foundation is embarking on a new approach to biodiversity conservation in Kodigahakanda in line with its 25th anniversary.

මිහිතල මිතුරෝ පරිසර සංවර්ධන පදනම සිය 25 වන සංවත්සරයට සමගාමීව කොඩිගහකන්ද ජෛවවිවිධත්ව සංරක්ෂණය සඳහා නව ප‍්‍රවේශයක් සඳහා පියවර තබමින් සිටින වග අපි ඔබට සතුටින් දැනුම් දෙමු.  

This new project is a continuous extension of a 25-year process so far. Following are the details of the proposed project to be implemented in 2020-2022. You can get involved in any of its activities.

එම නව ව්‍යාපෘතිය මෙතෙක් වසර 25 ක කි‍්‍රයාවළියක අඛණ්ඩ දිගුවකි. 2020 -2022 කාලය තුළ කි‍්‍රයාත්මක කිරීමට යෝජිත මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය පිළිබඳ විස්තර පහත දැක්වේ. එහි ඔ්නෑම කි‍්‍රයාකාරකමක් සඳහා ඔබට ද විවිධාකාරයෙන් සම්බන්ධ විය හැකිය.

01 Name of the Project: Conservation of Biodiversity of Kodigahakanda with Community Participation - Phase 3

02 Name and Address of Oraganization:
Mihithala Mithuro (Earth Friends ) Environment Development Foundation
Biodiversity Center, Kodigahakanda Sanctuary, Olaboduwa North, Gonapola Junction, Sri Lanka

03 Contact Details: 
Tel-: +94713496971, +94772110988, +94112754700
Email: mihithalamithuro@gmail.com
web: www.mihithalamithuro.org

04 Duration, Location and District
2020 --2022 Two Year, Kodigahakanda sanctuary And Olaboduwa North GN Division, Kalutara District


05 The rationality and justification of the project
Sustainable community protection areas and governance approaches have been identified and strengthened. Strengthening community-based conservation for high biodiversity areas.
The forest is being preserved by the Kodigahakanda Conservation Community Foundation under supervision Mihithala Mithuro (Earth Friends).

06 Project Background
Kodigahakanda is a natural forest with an area of ​​12.63 hectares Since 1994, 
our organization has been conserving the forest with the contribution of the community. 
This forest is hilly area and is situated close to the capital Colombo. A tourist attractive 
place for both local and foreign.  Three scientific research has taken place on the biological 
diversity of the forest. Three scientific research has taken place on the biological diversity
of the forest. The latest research took place in 2014-2015. According to the data, more than 
150 species of plants have been identified in the research area. There are many native and 
endemic plant species of threatened species. 
Enhancing the living standards of the community, Eco-tourism is well-managed. A tourist 
guide is being made by a young team. About 12 members of the surrounding community 
have been provided with a formal training on biological diversity and ecotourism. The highest 
number of tourists was recorded in the first quarter of the year. Our organization organizes 
environmental educational camps for school and university students. We are not capable 
enough to maintain a large staff. At the midpoint of various difficulties, it consists of 3 full-time
 employees. For 25 years we have come forward on a voluntary basis. It is not enough to 
sustain this process on a sustainable basis. Therefore, we are turning towards social 
entrepreneurship this year

The Kodigahakanda Community Conservation Sanctuary is an isolated forest situated 
close to the Colombo city of the western province of Sri Lanka. Since 1994, this forest has been
conserved by Mihithala Mithuro Environment Development Foundation with the participation 
of the community. The three scientific experiments carried out in three occasions revealed that 
this tiny forest contains a high-value biodiversity. Among these, there are species that are 
endemic to extinction. 
The main objective of this project is to protect endangered plant species. These species are 
endangered due to its high value. It supply food resources and they have medicinal, commercial, 
aesthetic values. Some of them are fire wood. Therefore, the threats to these species have also 
increased. It maintain soil, water and air quality. 

Socio economic survey of  The Community around the Kodigahakanda forest
Total Families –: 219   Population  -:   Male : 433      Female: 482
Toilet facilities -:  189 Yes Non : 20
Drinking water -: 13 yes   196 No It is the main problem in this village                                        
Profession-: 12 in government servants most others are Daily laborers. The livelihood of many is the employment of quarries. Over 80 percent are families with low income families. They are aid recipients of the government.
07  Main Problems, Problem Recognition Methodology
The members of the Steering Committee of the Kodigahakanda Conservation Community Foundation (KCCF) and the Mihithala Mithuro Environmental Development Foundation (MEDEF) were able to identify and analyze problems using the Problem Tree Methodology. Once the problems have been identified, the problem analysis, needs analysis, and then objectives were Identify. The following are the issues addressed by this project.

07.01 Rapid dissemination of invasive species throughout the Kodigahakanda sanctuarywhich adversely affects its biodiversity.

07.02  Lack of basic amenities required for tourists

07.03 Poor living standard of the community

08. Objectives

08.01 Invasive species are managed properly and the biodiversity of the Kodigahakanda Sanctuary is conserved before 2022.

08.02 During the first year of the project, the natural trail network of the Kodigahakanda Sanctuary was restored to a distance of 4 km.

08.03 By the end of the year 2, the direct income of 50 families in the surrounding communities will increase by 20%.

09 Activity Flan
 Time frame
 indicators of completion
01 Objective
 Invasive species are managed properly and the biodiversity of the Kodigahakanda Sanctuary is conserved before 2022.

 01.01  To educate the community on invasive species with the contribution of experts in the relevant  subject
 Within 1st Year first three months
Number of community 
aware of invasive species 
and their management 
by 2020
01.02 Preparation of invasive plant management plan with community contribution under the supervision of experts.
 Within 1st Year first Four months
 Invasive Plant Management Plan prepared by May 2020
01.03 Removal of invasive plants proposed to be removed with the participation of selected community groups
 May of 2020 – May of 2022
 Number of invasive plants removed or managed by May 2022

02 During the first year of the project, the natural trail network of the Kodigahakanda Sanctuary was restored to a distance of 4 km.

 02.01 Establishment of the Entrance

 Within 2020 June- JulyTime frame
 Finished entry gate by July 2020

02.02 Strengthening the banks of the Stream flowing through the nature trails and Constructing 12 stone steps in the First 200 m in Nature trail
 Within 2020 August – 2021 March 2021
 Side walls and stairways built by April 2021

02.03 Establishment of Camping site and Study Pavilion in ''Henkuttiya Zone"

 2021 June – Dec 
 Campground and Study Pavilion built by January 2022

02.04 Setting the stairs and hand supports in the final 200 meters

 2022 January– March
 Arch Setting the stairs and hand supports in the final 200m by April 2022
 02.05 Establishment of 13 boards that highlight zones in the forest and their environmental significance

2020 January 
 Installed 13 boards by February 2020

02.06 Build the staircase of the Observation tower built on the hilltop
 2020 January - March
 Build the staircase of the Observation tower built on the hilltop by April 2020

03 By the end of the year 2, the direct income of 50 families in the surrounding communities will increase by 20%.

 03.01 Preparation of Separate Plans to enhance the productivity of 50 selected Community Lands with the contribution of the Land Section of the Horana Divisional Secretariat and the Department of Agriculture.
 2020 Jan - March
 50 reports set to increase productivity for 50 lands by April 2020

03.02               Implementation of recommended remedies to reduce soil erosion

 2020 May - August
 Soil erosion remedies implemented in 50 lands by September 2020
 03.03   Land preparation for cultivation of recommended perennial crops
2020 August - September
 50 lands prepared for perennial crops by September 2020
03.04  Organic fertilizer preparation for 50 lands

 2020 March - May
 Organic fertilizer produced in 50 lands by June 2020
 03.05  Providing seeds and plants
 2020  September
Seeds and plants planted by October 2020
03.06 Purchasing equipment for 50 home gardens

 2020  July
 Equipment given to 50 farmers after July 2020


Fund -USD
 01 Objective
 Invasive species are managed properly and the biodiversity of the Kodigahakanda Sanctuary is conserved before 2022.

 01.01  To educate the community on invasive species with the contribution of experts in the relevant  subject
 01.02 Preparation of invasive plant management plan with community contribution under the supervision of experts.
 01.03 Removal of invasive plants proposed to be removed with the   participation of selected community groups                 
A-Sub Total 1-3

02 During the first year of the project, the natural trail network of the Kodigahakanda Sanctuary was restored to a distance of 4 km.

 02.01 Establishment of the Entrance
02.02 Strengthening the banks of the Stream flowing through the nature trails and Constructing 12 stone steps in the First 200 m in Nature trail

02.03 Establishment of Camping site and Study Pavilion in ''Henkuttiya Zone"
02.04 Setting the stairs and hand supports in the final 200 meters

02.05 Establishment of 13 boards that highlight zones in the forest and their environmental significance
02.06 Build the staircase of the Observation tower built on the hilltop,

B -Sub Total 1-6

 03 By the end of the year 2, the direct income of 50 families in the surrounding communities will increase by 20%.

03.01 Preparation of Separate Plans to enhance the productivity of 50 selected Community Lands with the contribution of the Land Section of the Horana Divisional Secretariat and the Department of Agriculture.

 03.02               Implementation of recommended remedies to reduce soil erosion
 03.03   Land preparation for cultivation of recommended perennial crops
 03.04  Organic fertilizer preparation for 50 lands

 03.05  Providing seeds and plants

  1. 1143

03.06 Purchasing equipment for 50 home gardens

C-Sub Total 1-6

Total Cost A+B+C
3337 15320 5000

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